Made with Red Tiger Eye, Sliver Obsidian & Terahertz.
Red Tiger Eye (红虎眼) (Survival stone): Has strong grounding energy (to root chakra), thus, ensure that you have all the skills that you need to survive and preserve yourself. It will protect your integrity & make sure that you will not be trapped in situation that you need to savrifice your integrity and all other values that you uphold. This stone is also good for people with anemia, high blood pressure and poor digestive system.
Silver obsidian (银耀石)(10mm): Obsidian is a powerful stone in absorbing negative energy and protect the wearer against evil forces and ill intention (防小人)。 Silver obsidian is considered the rare type of obsidian where it also attracts luck and wealth. It sharpens the intellectual and assist in rational decision making
Terahertz 10mm (太赫兹): A strong healing stone that possesses very high oscillating frequency. Thus, it aids in energize body energy. This is a man-made gemstone that is invented by the Japanese scientists to protect the body against electromagnetic smog and harmful radiation. (健康之石)